Cemetery plot location: A-02-03
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Classification: | POW |
Identification number: | PWJA 145033 |
Surname: | TSUNO |
Other names: | Keishin |
Plate name: | TSUNO, KEISHIN | AKA (Also Known As): | None |
Name in kanji: | 津野 慶進 |
Grave location: | A-02-03 |
Date of birth: | 1915-07-16 |
Place of birth: | 1002 Tachiarai-mura, Miye-gun, Fukuoka-ken, Japan |
Private address: | 1002 Tachiarai-mura, Miye-gun, Fukuoka-ken, Japan |
Business address: | Not recorded |
Military rank: | Special Private |
Unit regimental number: | Army, 46 Regiment, Kusunose Unit Artillery Company (Tate 8417) |
Date of capture: | 1942-11-09 |
Place of capture: | Near Oivi, New Guinea |
Reason for internment: | Prisoner of war |
Camp interned: | Cowra |
Date interned: | 1942-12-29 |
Health condition on arrival: | Hospitalised in Goulburn for a month, no cause recorded |
Trade or occupation: | Farmer |
Length of residence in Australia: | Not recorded |
Date of entry: | Not recorded |
Port of disembarkation: | Not recorded |
Ship: | Not recorded |
Personal effects: | Nil |
Religion: | Buddhist |
Nationality: | Japanese |
Marital status: | Married |
Next of kin: | Harumi TSUNO |
Address of next of kin: | 1002 Tachiarai-mura, Miye-gun, Fukuoka-ken, Japan |
Relationship to next of kin: | Wife |
Father’s name: | Kusakichi TSUNO |
Father’s occupation: | Farmer |
Mother’s maiden name: | Iwaye (maiden name unknown) |
Identification: | Height 5'4.5", 135 lbs, sallow complexion, black hair, dark eyes |
Movement report: | TSUNO was transferred from Gaythorne to Goulburn Hospital on 8 January 1943, and stayed there for a month (no cause recorded). He arrived in Cowra on 9 February 1943, and spent a lot of time in the hospital. He was hospitalised in April and June 1943 (no causes recorded). He was hospitalised with an alveolar abscess in April 1944 for a week. He died in the breakout. |
Cause of death: | Gun shot wound to the back |
Date of death: | 1944-08-05 |
Cremation or burial: | Burial |
Date of burial: | 1944-08-07 |
Place of first burial: | Cowra |
Extra information: | TSUNO’s rank as “Special Private” is not clear. |
Related images: | TSUNO’s Allied Translator & Interpreter Section (ATIS) interrogation report summaries (pdfs): |