Cemetery plot location: B-08-02
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Classification: | Internee |
Identification number: | DJ 18118 |
Surname: | MURAMATSU |
Other names: | Jiro |
Plate name: | MURAMATSU, JIRO | AKA (Also Known As): | Jiro MURAMATS |
Name in kanji: | 村松次郎 |
Grave location: | B-08-02 |
Date of birth: | 1878-09-06 |
Place of birth: | Shizuoka-ken, Japan |
Private address: | Cavenagh St., Darwin, Northern Territory |
Business address: | J & J Muramats, Cavenagh, Darwin, Northern Territory |
Military rank: | Not recorded |
Unit regimental number: | Not recorded |
Date of capture: | 1941-12-08 |
Place of capture: | Darwin |
Reason for internment: | Enemy alien |
Camp interned: | Tatura |
Date interned: | 1942-01-06 |
Health condition on arrival: | Not recorded |
Trade or occupation: | Pearler |
Length of residence in Australia: | 48 years |
Date of entry: | 1893-09-09 |
Port of disembarkation: | Broome |
Ship: | Saladin |
Personal effects: | Property and Assets owned by MURAMATSU: |
Religion: | Roman Catholic |
Nationality: | Japanese (Naturalised Australian) |
Marital status: | Married |
Next of kin: | Maria Haru MURAMATS |
Address of next of kin: | LINO - Brazil, South America |
Relationship to next of kin: | Daughter (born 14. 7.1914 in Cossack, W.A. ) |
Father’s name: | Sakutaro MURAMATS |
Father’s occupation: | Not recorded |
Mother’s maiden name: | Sada (maiden name unknown) |
Identification: | 5'3", 10 stone, dark complexion, grey hair, brown eyes |
Movement report: | MURAMATSU was held temporarily at Adelaide River in the Northern Territory, then sent to Tatura via Loveday. He reached Tatura on 6 January 1942. He was admitted to the Waranga Hospital on 7 September 1942, and discharged on 27 September. He was then admitted to the Heidelberg Hospital, but was returned to the Waranga Hospital on 6 November 1942. He died in the Tatura B Compound. |
Cause of death: | Cancer |
Date of death: | 1943-01-07 |
Cremation or burial: | Burial |
Date of burial: | 1943-01-09 |
Place of first burial: | Tatura |
Extra information: | MURAMATSU was a naturalised Australian, but this appears to have been ignored possibly under the provisions of the National Security Act. On the record his ‘Naturalised British Subject (NBS) of enemy origin’ was crossed out, and given as ‘Japanese national’. MURAMATSU owned a pearl-shell business. Details of his property and assets are described in his records. (NAA: MP1103/2 , pages 3 &4). |
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