Cemetery plot location: C-09-01
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Classification: | Internee |
Identification number: | IJF 51115 |
Surname: | ISHIBASHI |
Other names: | Kijo |
Plate name: | ISHIBASHI, KIJO | AKA (Also Known As): | None |
Name in kanji: | Not recorded |
Grave location: | C-09-01 |
Date of birth: | 1892-07-28 |
Place of birth: | Nagasaki-ken, Japan |
Private address: | Not recorded |
Business address: | Not recorded |
Military rank: | Not recorded |
Unit regimental number: | Not recorded |
Date of capture: | 1941-12-08 |
Place of capture: | Balik Pafai (?), D.E.I. |
Reason for internment: | Enemy alien |
Camp interned: | Died before reaching the camp |
Date interned: | Died before reaching the camp |
Health condition on arrival: | Not recorded |
Trade or occupation: | Not recorded |
Length of residence in Australia: | Not recorded |
Date of entry: | 1942-01-29 |
Port of disembarkation: | Adelaide |
Ship: | Cremer |
Personal effects: | Not recorded |
Religion: | Buddhist |
Nationality: | Japanese |
Marital status: | Married |
Next of kin: | K. ISHIBASHI |
Address of next of kin: | Tatura Internment Camp |
Relationship to next of kin: | Husband |
Father’s name: | Not recorded |
Father’s occupation: | Not recorded |
Mother’s maiden name: | Not recorded |
Identification: | Grey hair, brown eyes |
Movement report: | After having been transferred from the Dutch East Indies, ISHIBASHI was soon admitted to the Morris Hospital in South Australia on 27 February 1942, where she died. She died before reaching her final destination, which would have been the Tatura Internment Camp. |
Cause of death: | Tuberculosis |
Date of death: | 1942-02-27 |
Cremation or burial: | Burial |
Date of burial: | 1942-03-02 |
Place of first burial: | West Terrace Cemetery |
Extra information: | NAA: MP1103/2 file doesn’t exist for this internee. She died before her particulars were taken. According to the NAA: MP1103/1, she was buried in West Tce Cemetery in Adelaide, but on the Office of Australian War Graves’ Cemetery Layout and Grave Origin, her remains were described as ashes. |
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